Things that happened in your life, sometimes you want to remember, share and learn from it. This is my way of saying " I've been here ..."
27 October 2021
Cucu no 8 ...
20 October 2021
Kenangan ziarah cucu no. 7
16/12 - awal pagi bertolak ke Ipoh. Ikut jln G. Musang - Simpang Pulau. Ziarah cucu n bermalam di Ipoh. 17/12 - bertolak pulang.
Yang berlaku.
16/12 - awal pagi bertolak. Singgah Avant Chocolate, C. Highlands utk beli sedikit buah tangan. Tiba2 kereta tak boleh dihidupkan. Dalam resah dan debar, bermula lah 'kembara yg tak disangka'.
Pomen yg datang tak dapat mencari punca kerosakan. Maka kereta terpaksa ditunda ke woksyop. (Kami serah urusan pd pomen berkenaan kerana ini tempat dia, kami memang buntu terus masa tu. Hanya doa dan tawakkal agar dipermudahkan dan dilancarkan urusan)
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Merasalah menaiki kereta tunda yg dipandu anak muda bernama Ganesh 😅.
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Woksyop yg sangat bersih dan teratur. Alhamdulillah ada ruang menunggu cum solat walau pun taukehnya Cina. Bilik air pun bersih 👍👍👍. Tapi airnya sejuk hingga ke tulang 😅.
25 September 2021
Kita apa yg kita usahkan
Alhamdulillah ... Imuniti kelompok warga Rumah Biasa2 sudah tercapai. Semalam, pagi Jumaat, Amar (#6, bongsu) lengkap 2 dos imunisasi. Begitu juga abang2, kakak, kakak2 ipar dia ... Semua dah sahut saranan ini. Ini usaha kami. Moga impian untuk berkumpul bersama2 tersayang, rentas negeri ... akan menjadi realiti. Aamiin Ya Rabbi 🤲.
Simpan buat kenangan di sini.
Tugas kita ... ikhtiar, doa dan tawakkal. Selebihnya serah pada Ilahi. Dia Yg Maha Berkuasa, Yg Maha Mengetahui.
p.s. Pernah terbaca, lupa kat mana ... pasal isu vaksin ni. Seorang doktor tak silap Mama berkata, lebih kurang begini. Tidak mengambil vaksinasi yg perlu ketika wabak melanda, ibarat seorang yg tak tahu berenang, masih mahu mandi dikolam yg memang jelas tentera larangan ...
Tapi degil, dan ada hati harap keluarga, rakan, bomba, polis, doktor dan semua orang bersedia, siap siaga untuk operasi selamatkan dia, bila dia terjun nanti. Selfish! Really ... Salah siapa kalau dia lemas?? You answer me!!
Moga kita semua diberi kefahaman dalam beragama. Aamiin 🤲
Jangan kita menjadi asbab fitnah kepada agama dek tingkah laku kita jua. Dakwah lah melalui perbuatan dan teladan, kerana ia lebih terkesan impaknya dan tak akan dipersoal,
".... awak ni ustaz/ustazah 👳♂️🧕 ke nak menegur orang?!"
Kannn! ... 😔.
#kitajagakita #staysafeeveryone
21 September 2021
Mini Sherpherd's Pie
When you're craving for western food, difficult to find one that suit your taste and thinking that it is difficult and laborious to make ... maybe this easy peasy mini version of Sherpherd's Pie might tempt you. Here is the recipe.
Mini Sherpherd's Pie
3 large potatoes - peeled & quartered
1 tube minced chicken/meat
1/2 bottle Adabi's speghetti sauce
1/4 cup fresh/full cream milk
1/4 Adabi's chicken cube
2 tablespoon chilli sauce
1 cup mixed vegetables - carrot, corn, peas
1/2 holland onion - chopped
Salt, pepper to taste
Mozarella and Parmesan cheese
1. Boil potatoes until cook and tender. Drain and mashed.
2. Add grounded chicken cube, salt, pepper and milk. Mix well. Set aside.
3. Saute onion, add minced chicken/meat, cook a while. Then add speghetti sauce, chilli sauce and salt. Cook until gravy boils, add mixed vegetables. Stir and let simmer until gravy a bit thick.
4. In mini pie tin foil, spread meat mixture, then top with mashed potatoes, and lastly sprinkle cheese generously.
5. Bake 190°C for 30 - 40 minutes, or until cheese melted and deep golden in color. Let cool for 5 minutes before serving.
p.s. The above is Mama's version, no added veggies, but add chopped Ayam Mas mushroom sausages with a few adjustments (as usual) as per available ingredients in Mama's pantry and her likings 😅. Original version is by Atia Fathiah. Mama replaced the minced chicken with chopped chicken prepared for karipap *. Mama n Mr. Cool love them. Whilst Mr Dad and Amar ... they didn't bat an eye and couldn't care less. Haha!! They're forever karipap lovers 🤭🤭
* meaty parts of chicken like breast are least favoured in Rumah Biasa2. Usually Mama will chopped them into small parts and stored in few small containers to be used for making karipap, pizza, spaghetti, fried mee/bee hoon/rice or in stir fried vegetables or soups. Sherpherd's or chicken pie too 😚😊
Till then .... #staysafeeveryone
20 September 2021
Borem ... Dalam Kenangan
19 September 2021
Selagi ada ...
Ayahnya sebaik melangkah masuk ke rumah, melalui pintu utama ...
- selepas memberi salam
- selepas kelibat Sang Isteri tidak kelihatan ...
"Mana Mama?"
Mama sebaik melangkah naik ke atas rumah, melalui pintu dapur ...
- selepas memberi salam
- selepas kelibat Sang Suami tidak kelihatan ...
"Mana Ayah?"
Ia rutin yang berulang2 ... tanpa sedar, kebiasaan.
Setelah hampir 4 dekad bersama.
My other half, soulmate, bff ...
Kadang2 tak perlu kata2 ... Cukup body language ... Eye contact ... dah faham.
Terdetik juga sekali sekala, bagaimana nanti jika salah seorang telah tiada?!
Eh! Eh! Stop sini. Tersentimental pulak pagi ni.
Apolahhh ...
Tu haaa ... ayam, ikan, sayur, bawang lada dok menunggu disinki!!!
Ada orang request nak nasi minyak hari ni. Bukan Mr. Cool, bukan Amar ... Teka lah siapa?! 😅😅
Nak masuk ofis dah kita. Till then ...
p.s. Pagi tadi Mr. Cool dah lengkap dos kedua vaksin. Alhamdulillah 😊.
*simpan buat kenangan.
08 September 2021
Thanks Mr.Cool
Alhamdulillah ... it takes only a few minutes for Mr.Cool to figure out why Mama unable to access pictures from the phone's gallery and upload to Mama's blog. No need to explain in detail how he did it (tak reti pun nak explain 😅😅). Its just their things. Being the 'Generation Z', they live and breathe technology. So, for and Amar ... its 'kacang Ma!'. Haha!! Whilst Mama, their ancestor who is from the 'Baby Boomer Generation', can only look cluelessly and hopelessly when it comes to technology.
Am I happy?! Very happy indeed 😎.
Let's test whether its working or not.
Alhamdulillah ....
It's Mama's latest hobby. Using leftovers threads from Mama's embroidery craze circa late 80's and early 90's ... my working years. Putting them to good use during this pandemic time. Now am working on 2nd piece. A tray cloth, request from Mama's secondary years schoolmate, after she saw this piece Mama post on IG 😊.
That's all for now. Take care.
p.s. Its raining cats n dogs outside.
16 August 2021
Masih tak jumpa solusi ...
Bila usia begini, tak terkejar kecanggihan teknologi, 'smart phone', 4G, 5G ... entah apa lagi. Sebab itu Mama tak jumpa lagi solusi nya ... Pasai apa tak boleh nak upload gambar2 dari album ke blog ini. Hmmm ...
Kena tunggu Mr Cool habis periksa, biar dia post mortem henpon Mama. Apa masaalah sebenarnya ...
Masaalah covid ... Makin senak dada tengok statistik/data harian positif covid seluruh negara. Macam2 langkah dan solusi dicuba dan diberi. Makin ketat, makin tinggi dijangkiti. Misteri ...
Adakah pergantungan kita terlalu pada mencari ubat/vaksin ... Lalu lupa yg virus covid ini juga makhluk Allah Ya Rabbi? Mungkin solusinya di situ ...
Jom kita sama2 memohon kepada NYA. Jangan berhenti berdoa, minta diangkat virus yg sedang mengganas ini. Makhluk Allah juga ia, menuruti perintah Allah Yg Maha Berkuasa ... Ujian? Musibah? Apa saja ... "Kun Fayakun" "Tiada daya dan upaya kecuali dengan pertolongan Allah"
p.s. Mr. Cool dah habis exam. Tapi terus sambung dgn Latihan Praktikum pulak. Syukur Ya Allah, dapat dalam bandar yg sama. Alhamdulillah ...
Nampak gaya kena KIV lagi last post mortem henpon Mama. 😷😌
Till then ....
#staysafe #kitajagakita #keluarbilaperlu
07 August 2021
Alahai dia buat lagi ...
Sabar aje la ...
Si Dia dan mesin rumput dia kalau bergabung ... resah Mama. Pasti ada pokok/tanaman yg kena cantas nanti. Kalau rujuk cerita2 Mama bawah label 'Kebun Biasa2', 'history' nya begitu lah.
Dan semalam ... Ternyata detik hati Mama betul. Sehari selapas Ayahnya operasi bersih, mesin rumput ... Mama pun ronda2 la kawasan tersebut. Dan ....
Sahih, pokok telang yg memanjat dipagar, sedak galak berbunga ... batang terlindung dek rumput yg panjang, layu se layu layunya. Putus batangnya, hancur pasu kedai ECO2 tak nampak rupa. Masa tu macam nak marah sangat kat Ayahnya ... Jalan lagi, nampak mangsa ke 2. Pokok ubi badak unggu yg memang terang2 dok memanjat kayu2 pancang, tak terlindung lansung dek pandangan. Cuma rumput2 tebal dikelilingnya. Pun terkulai layu daun2nya. Juga putus dipangkalnya .... 😭😭😭
Kecewa sangat. Bila tunjuk ke dua2 pokok pada Si Dia aka Ayahnya, dia jawab ... "Ingat tak kena ...". Mama terus diam. Malas nak bertekak dah tua2 ni. Lagipun benda dah terjadi. SiDia pun perasan, tahu Mama kecewa, marah. "Sori ... !!" sambil hulur rambutan yg baru dipetik di laman.
Apo nak di kato. Anggap tak ada rezeki. Walaupun dalam hati, melepas rasa ubi tanam sendiri musim tengkujuh nanti. Yang pokok telang, tak ralat sangat sebab ada 3 pohon lagi ... Mama dah berhati2, 'not putting the eggs in one basket only! " 😁😁
p.s. Ni kali ke 3 pokok ubi tu tercantas oleh Ayahnya. Tempat sama, tumbuh semula, tercantas lagi ... Tahun depan, maybe. Insyaallah (kena pagar rasa kali ni 😅😅)
Cerita sebagai hiburan dan kenangan ... Mau 'suffocate' kalu asyik dok fikir keadaan sekarang ... Covid dan politik yg tak berkesudahan.
#kitajagakita ... Wasallam.
06 August 2021
Doa ...
Doa Mama hari ini, Jumaat 27 Zulhijjah 1442H ...
"Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan Kami, Yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang. Yang Maha Mendengar rayuan kami hamba2Mu ...
Ya Allah ... Angkat, hilangkanlah virus penyebab wabak yg melanda bumi ini sekarang ini.
Pulihkanlah, sembuhkanlah mereka2 yg telah dijangkiti. Lindungilah kami, para petugas hadapan, frontliners kami serta keluarga mereka dan semua yg terlibat.
Moga masjid2, majlis ilmu dipenuhi kembali ...
Moga terlerai rindu keluarga, sanak saudara, rakan taulan yg saling berjauhan atau terpaksa menjauhkan diri kini ...
Moga kami dapat semula bertebaran dibumi Mu mencari rezeki ...
Moga kami diberi kefahaman dan pengajaran serta keinsafan atas musibah ini ...
Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim ... Ampunilah dosa2 kami. Kabulkanlah doa2 kami.
Aamiin. Ya Rabbal Alamiin .... "
Nota: Hari ini angka melepasi 20,000 lagi. Allahuakbar. Pohon jangan berhenti berdoa ... Minta pada NYA.
Pun perlu usaha, jaga diri ... Ikutlah nasihat, patuhi SOP ... Jaga kebersihan, pemakanan dan aktifkan diri. Mental dan fizikal, perlu sihat. Rohani juga perlu diisi ... zikir, baca Qur'an setiap hari. Insyaallah ... Kita dalam perlindunganNYA.
Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui perkara yg ngaib dan nyata. Kerana DIA, Tuhan pencipta dan pemilik ... langit dan bumi serta isinya. Subhanallah ....
01 August 2021
Another reason
Another reason why the hiatus ....
I cannot acces into my blog as usual. There seems to be a few conditions I have to rectify first before I can log into my blog. Being an 'old school' ... a 'warga emas' (above 60 i.e), I find it troublesome ... clueless actually 😅😅. With the slow internet access here ... I couldn't be bothered. 'Malas baso' in Kelantanese language ... which is like 'whatever' 'couldn't care less'. Thus I stop trying and stop blogging. Till now I'm still in the blinds because I can't seem to upload pictures from my albums into my blog. Will do some investigating. However, just able to update my blog is good enough. Alhamdulillah.
Grounded for an elderly woman like me is not a problem during the pandemic. There is always things to do ... and mind you, the kitchen now open 24 hours everyday.
p.s. The two guys, no. 5 and 6 (Mr. Cool, Muaz and Amar) are in the house. Alhamdulillah .... so, its no suprise to hear movements and activities in wee hours in the morning (2 am, 3 am, 5am) ... midnite snacking are norms I guess with these youngsters nowadays. We mothers do 'membawang' about our kids in our groups Whatsapps now that we couldn't 'get together' as before 🤭🤭. Same predicaments ... today's kids talking, laughing, shouting, swearing to themselves, in the middle of the nite till wee hours in the mornings in their own rooms. Hmmm ....
O.K!! Back to my story .... Apart the normal homemaker's routines, I've upgraded my gardening into 'tanaman hiasan' (before just herbs and plants). Thanks to my 'mengaji' group. They're the one who persuaded me, lured me into frenzy flower pots shopping at ECO2 shop 😂😂. Big, small, oblong, square, round, tall and flat ... you name it. I've bought them all. Then the 'planting soils' RM10 only maa per pack. That is a still on going process tho I've stopped buying the pots. Hihi.... Mind you, my hubby was flabbergasted with my new hobby but just let me be. As long as I am happy and sane I guess 🤭.
Next, my dear friend from my secondary school years, Hani, got me into 'painting'. I have always like drawing, painting but never doing it seriously. So, when I upload a few of my works in my IG and FB, the 'likes' and 'comments' were really encouraging and beyond my expectation. Further encouragement from my sis, Anum ... already an accomplished artist herself, inspire me more. Its really is an enjoyable and therapeutic hobby.
But my two guys have been complaining ... Mama has literally stopped baking. 😅😅😅 Poor guys. My zest in drawing and paintings (which I couldn't stop once I start ...) has left me no time for cookies, pizzas, donuts, cakes making which I also enjoyed. Sorry guys!!
Looks like for the 1st time ever, I have to make a schedule (jadual waktu?!) for my hobbies. Pssst .... I'm thinking of including embroidery. Leftovers threads from my embroidery frenzy years during my working days (its the thing back then) are still a plenty in the embroidery drawers 😄😁😅😅
Till next post .... Insyaallah.
#staysafe #kitajagakita
31 July 2021
Wow!! It's been ages since I last wrote in this blog of mine. Blame it on Covid19 ... Since the pandemic began, life has been never been the same.
Right now am missing my loved ones in different states dearly and always worrying and praying for their safety. Thanks to technology, video calls helped eased the pain and longing of separations ...
So many things happened ... most not the way we used to. Like for example, Amar who is supposed to sit for his SPM exam late 2020, actually sat for his SPM in March this year. Now he got accepted into one of the higher institution to further his studies. And by the look of current pandemic status, everything will be done 'online' ... from registration, orientation ... to classes. So sad!!
He is missing his good buddies, no more futsals, badmintons, eating out and get together. No end of SPM farewells ... Just like that everything becomes disconnected. That's what he said.
Let's pray that this pandemic will end soonest. May Allah makes this virus, Covid19 disappear forever. Insyaallah. Aamiin .... 🤲🤲🤲