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01 August 2021

Another reason

Another reason why the hiatus ....

I cannot acces into my blog as usual. There seems to be a few conditions I have to rectify first before I can log into my blog. Being an 'old school' ... a 'warga emas' (above 60 i.e), I find it troublesome ... clueless actually 😅😅. With the slow internet access here ... I couldn't be bothered. 'Malas baso' in Kelantanese language ... which is like 'whatever' 'couldn't care less'. Thus I stop trying and stop blogging. Till now I'm still in the blinds because I can't seem to upload pictures from my albums into my blog. Will do some investigating. However, just able to update my blog is good enough. Alhamdulillah. 

Grounded for an elderly woman like me is not a problem during the pandemic. There is always things to do ... and mind you, the kitchen now open 24 hours everyday.

p.s. The two guys, no. 5 and 6 (Mr. Cool, Muaz and Amar) are in the house. Alhamdulillah .... so, its no suprise to hear movements and activities in wee hours in the morning (2 am, 3 am, 5am) ... midnite snacking are norms I guess with these youngsters nowadays. We mothers do 'membawang' about our kids in our groups Whatsapps now that we couldn't 'get together' as before 🤭🤭. Same predicaments ... today's kids talking, laughing, shouting, swearing to themselves, in the middle of the nite till wee hours in the mornings in their own rooms. Hmmm ....

O.K!! Back to my story .... Apart the normal homemaker's routines, I've upgraded my gardening into 'tanaman hiasan' (before just herbs and plants). Thanks to my 'mengaji' group. They're the one who persuaded me, lured me into frenzy flower pots shopping at ECO2 shop 😂😂. Big, small, oblong, square, round, tall and flat ... you name it. I've bought them all. Then the 'planting soils' RM10 only maa per pack. That is a still on going process tho I've stopped buying the pots. Hihi.... Mind you, my hubby was flabbergasted with my new hobby but just let me be. As long as I am happy and sane I guess 🤭.

Next, my dear friend from my secondary school years, Hani, got me into 'painting'. I have always like drawing, painting but never doing it seriously. So, when I upload a few of my works in my IG and FB, the 'likes' and 'comments' were really encouraging and beyond my expectation. Further encouragement from my sis, Anum ... already an accomplished artist herself, inspire me more. Its really is an enjoyable and therapeutic hobby.

But my two guys have been complaining ... Mama has literally stopped baking. 😅😅😅 Poor guys. My zest in drawing and paintings (which I couldn't stop once I start ...) has left me no time for cookies, pizzas, donuts, cakes making which I also enjoyed. Sorry guys!! 

Looks like for the 1st time ever, I have to make a schedule (jadual waktu?!) for my hobbies. Pssst .... I'm thinking of including embroidery. Leftovers threads from my embroidery frenzy years during my working days (its the thing back then) are still a plenty in the embroidery drawers 😄😁😅😅

Till next post .... Insyaallah. 

#staysafe #kitajagakita 

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