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26 June 2023


Back again after 20 months hiatus 🥲.
A lot happened since then ...

- We finally moved into the endemic phase after the scary Covid 19 Pandemic. Alhamdulillah. 
- 15th GE and a new PM.
- My Mr. Cool finally graduated and will start working soon 🥰.
- Welcoming our 9th grandson, Umar, who turns 1 on the 6th of June this year.
- Celebrating Eids and life as usuals 😁.

And of course  .... realising that me and my other half are not getting any younger. After sixty, we noticed that with each passing year, there's a significant difference/change in term if physical wellbeing and health.
I tell you  ....
A mere task of moving a few potted plants/pruning branches/moving lawns/even 'dukung cucu' (examples), is enough to render yours truly reeking with 'minyak angin whatsoever' during bedtime. Mind you, even with that precautions, you'll still wake-up the next day aching and crammed all over 🤣🫢 (p.s. it sometimes lasted for days). Aigooo!
And being forgetful, sometimes!! ... can be very scary and frustrating (no jokes).
Bearing that in mind, Mokcik decided that the hiatus for this blog is over.
While she is still sound and able 😅, the memories and stories should be put here.
For remembrance and reference.
Her passage of time.

Pic. While waiting for today's 'date with doctor'!

p.s. Jotting down every appointments,  invitations, events on the whiteboard is a must ... ('tu pun ada jugak kadang2 yg terlepas pandang' 😪)

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