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21 September 2023

Just because ...

Just because  ...

Today  ... me didn't push the rice cooker 'cook' button

Yesterday  ... me boiled fish became grilled fish

The day before  ... me remember washing dirty laundry in the morning. Why is the hanger empty at 3.00 pm?

Oppss!! 😅😅. 

Guess these are parts of the over sixty-packages.

p.s. The kids are worried, especially the 'yesterday' occurrence which happened often. Time to invest in pot with timer for my 'ike rebus' 😁 

20 September 2023

Mr. Cool ... its ok not to be ok

Yesterday morning, around 10 am, Mr Cool (my fifth son, who just started working July this year) called his father. Telling him he's not feeling well and asking his dad to recommend a doctor.
Alhamdulillah,  just mild flu and cough plus slight fever. The doctor asked him whether he wants one day or two days MC (Medical Leave).
Mr Cool said, an MC for today would be OK!
When he told me about it, as a mom I spontaneously said, he should have asked for 2 days MC. Its your right because you're not well.
You know what Mr Cool told me?
"Mama! I just need to take the given medication and rest. One day is enough."
(Dalam hati, "Muaz, Muaz  ... ada orang sanggup beli MC nak!").
I didn't say it loud because as former worker, I'm proud of him. Proud for putting his job as top priority and not taking advantage.

p.s. Mr Cool looks ok when he left for work this morning.
Still needs to take his medicines.
And Mama thinks sometimes its ok not being ok or cool my dear son.

Moga anak2 Mama sentiasa dalam perlindunganNya. Aamiinn ❤️

14 September 2023

Mata ...

Sejak awal tahun perasan mata macam tak terang fokusnya  ... dua2; jauh dan membaca; terutama mata sebelah kanan. Tak selesa jika lama2 fokus pada satu2 aktiviti  ... membaca, tengok henpon, tengok tv, tengok pemandangan ... itu antaranya. Satu lagi, 'floaters' juga makin ketara.

Pagi semalam, ke Rosmadi Optometrist dipekan kami. Buat pemeriksaan mata dan saraf. Saraf dan salur darah sekitar mata ... OK. 'Floaters' pula tidaklah serius dan disebabkan oleh faktor penuaan, bukan sebab lain. Alhamdulillah. 

Cuma  ... 'power' kacamata naik lagi, terutama sebelah kanan. Patut la  ... 'Power' membaca dan 'Astigmatism' juga naik, sedikit!!! 

Masaalah pertama  ... tempoh siap kacamata untuk 'lens' dan 'power' baru ialah SEMINGGU!. Maka berkira2 lah Mama samaada nak buat kacamata baru (maknanya 'frame' baru) atau guna yg sediaada. Jika guna yg sediaada, maknanya tak ke mana2 la jawabmya seminggu tu. Mustahil  .... haha!! 

Masaalah kedua  ... biasanya untuk buat kacamata baru, 'lens' akan lebih mahal dari 'frame' sebab nak yg ringan, anti calar, anti silau, anti biru, auto gelap bila tengah panas  .... fuhhh!! Napok gayo kena tunggu pencen Ayahnya masuk dulu lah 😅

p.s. layanan ke dua2 staff sangat  professional dan baik.  Mama dan Ayahnya memang 'regular customers' mereka.