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24 February 2011

Nampak Kecil Tetapi ...

Tengahari tadi, saya berteduh di bawah sepohon pokok kelapa hiasan di tepi jalan, pokok yang renik tetapi memadai untuk melindungi saya dari panas terik sang matahari. Saya sedang menunggu suami untuk ke sekolah si bongsu, menghantar bekalan makan tengahari. Hari ini Amar ada kelas Fardhu 'Ain yang hanya tamat pada jam 4.05 petang. Sekarang jam 1.05 petang, Amar rehat 1.15 petang. Kereta yang saya gunakan pula berada di woksyop, jadi terpaksalah menyusahkan suami hari ini.

Gembiranya saya bila nampak pokok tempat berteduh, hinggakan seekor burung  bertempiran terbang lari lantaran terkejut kehadiran saya. Pada awalnya saya ingat saya telah mengganggu si burung yang sedang berehat. Tetapi sebaik memandang ke atas, MasyaAllah ... saya pula yang terkejut. Rupanya saya telah mengacau si ibu yang sedang mengeram. Dahan yang kecil, menampung sarang yang kecil dan tak seberapa dengan 2 biji telur yang agak besar juga jikalau dilihat pada si ibu tadi. 

Kalau zaman saya kecil dan nakal dahulu, sudah tentu telur bersekali dengan sarangnya saya ambil. Zaman kanak-kanak yang penuh dengan kekaguman dan perasaan ingin tahu. Moga Allah ampunkan dosa2 saya ketika itu. InsyaAllah ...

Jika tadi saya gembira sebab ada pokok tempat berteduh, sekarang saya rasa amat gembira kerana masih diberi kesempatan olehNya menikmati pemandangan seindah ini lagi. Lalu saya terfikir betapa pokok sekerdil ini mampu memberi manafaat kepada saya untuk berteduh dan kepada burung berkenaan untuk meneruskan kesinambungannya. Si penanam pokok ini juga beruntung!!! Beliau mendapat pahala yang berterusan selagi pokok berkenaan kekal memberi faedah dan manafaat kepada alam sekitarnya dan makhluk Allah snw yang lain. Subhanallah ...!!! 

Kereta rosak, Amar ada Fardhu 'Ain, panas mentari, semuanya telah menyebabkan saya bertemu dengan pokok renik dan telur burung ini. Alhamdulillah di atas nikmat ini. Sesungguhnya perjalanan hidup yang Allah snw aturkan untuk kita, hambaNya adalah yang terbaik buat kita. Sudah tersurat dan tersirat hikmahnya. 

Hayatilah dan renungkanlah ungkapan masyur Iman Al-Ghazali ini;

` Tidak mungkin ada yang lebih baik daripada apa yang telah terjadi '

21 February 2011

Farewell Horlicks (05.12.2010 - 21.02.2011)

At 4.30 pm this evening, Horlicks died. Such a short life for such a cute, adorable and playful cat. Maw (the mom), Nestum and Milo (the siblings) seems to feel the dreaded moments because they kept vigil around him and the mom was seen growling angrily as if seeing something as Horlicks took his last breath. Then all the three of them started licking Horlicks, as if cleaning him for the last time. It was such a touching picture ... even animals gave due respects for the dead. Then, again they sat around him as if praying for his departed soul and a few moments later, they left and sat quietly at one corner. 
Horlicks - as a kitten
Muaz, my 14 years old son, witnessed all these (thus the detailed events) helplessly with heavy heart and tears  flowing while his 8 years old brother, Amar came crying to me to relay the sad news. I too managed to witness the amazing but heart touching events of them giving their last respect to dear Horlicks. Later, Muaz insists on doing the burial of Horlicks himself. As his last token show of love, he said forlornly. I respect his decision and watch from afar, 'cause I too, can't bear to see Horlicks being buried. We buried him under a shady mango tree, near the lemon grass shrub ( his favourite hiding place). Farewell dear Horlicks, you brings joy, laughter and lots of love to our life through your short time with us. Muaz, Amar, Ayoh and I will miss you very-very much.
Clockwise: Mum, Horlicks, Nestum, Milo -  Family's Nap Time
Note: 24/02/2011 - Milo & Nestum showing symptons liked Horlicks, vomitting & diarrhoea, refusing foods & drinking only water (with so much pain). Early morning 27/02/2011, found Nestum already lifeless. The kids were really sad when they went to school. Their mum still nowhere in sight since 24/02. Milo getting worse by the day. Brought him to the vet but the doctor is out for a week. The nearest vet is 30 km away so resort to giving Milo plenty of rest, pure coconut water & hope for the best. Milo spent his days sleeping & going out only to poo/pee. I had to use the syringe to feed him - coconut water, water & pureed plain rice porridge. By the 6th day, Milo came to the kitchen & meoowed loudly. I offered him a piece of boiled fish meat & he ate it slowly & with much difficulty. A ray of hope shone & the rest is history. A happy ending for Milo and to this date (11/05/2011), his mum never came back. 

Milo last photo with Nestum(left) & Horlicks (right)

17 February 2011

Saya yang beruntung ...

Alhamdulillah ...akhirnya sampai juga saya ke Jakarta/Bandung setelah sekian lama mendengar tentang `syurga membeli belah' ini. Terima kasih buat suami atas hadiah Ulangtahun Perkahwinan ke 28 yang sungguh bermakna. 2 hari di sana yg penuh dengan aktiviti `shopping'. Habis tempat yg kawan/kerabat saran dijejaki hingga sakit lutut yg dah nak `expire' ni, lenguh kaki berjalan, sakit tangan serta belakang menjinjit barangan belian, kering tekak & letih mulut tawar menawar, mata pedih melilau & menerobos setiap gerai/sudut yg ada barang2 jajaan dan maraton membelibelah hanya berhenti bila Rupiah yg di bawa kehabisan, baru terasa lapat & dahaga ...!! Itulah penangan membeli belah di Bandung dan Jakarta.

2 hari di sana terasa macam orang berada. Mana tidaknya, setiap kali berbelanja mesti dalam angka `ratusan ribu' (Rupiah). Ahh ... merasa juga menjadi Jutawan, hehe!! Senangnya kita, berkenan aja terus beli. Rasa nak makan, tiada masalah ... pesan aje! Letih berjalan? Panggil sahaja teksi/beca dan arah saja ke mana tujuan. Lenguh2 badan? Kat hotel nanti boleh cuba pakej spa & urutan.

Tapi realiti kehidupan di sana jauh bedanya, ramai yang merempat dan terpaksa berjuang demi sesuap makanan. Luluh hati melihat kanak-kanak kecil comot & berkaki ayam meminta sedekah, mengambil upah menjual suratkhabar, mengelap sepatu, menjual cenderahati dsbnya. Anak2ku, sesungguhnya beruntung kamu dilahirkan sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Rata-rata pekerja-pekerja gedung/gerai jualan di sana terutama remaja menyuarakan hasrat ingin ke Malaysia mencari rezeki kerana "Udah ramai teman-teman yang bekerja di Malaysia senang banget!!". Saya cuma mampu menasihatkan mereka agar datang secara `halal' supaya tiada masalah kelak. 

Persaingan yang sengit dalam meneruskan kelangsungan hidup mungkin menyebabkan mereka menjadi begitu tabah dan sabar .... Saya berkata begitu kerana  mengikut pemerhatian saya sepanjang berada di sana, rata-rata para pengguna jalanrayanya (yg kami lalui); baik yg bermotor maupun pejalan kaki; amat berhemah, bertolak ansur dan sabar dijalanraya. Mereka tidak lokek `memberi jalan' pada pengguna yg lain, samada untuk melintas jalan, membuat `U-turn', `parking' dan berhenti mengambil/menurunkan penumpang. Tiada `double-parking' dan memberhentikan kenderaan sesuka hati. Siapa-siapa boleh jadi `polis trafik' bila ada keperluan; pengawal hotel/bank/kedai, penjaja di tepi jalan, `co-pilot' bas/lori, hatta penumpang teksi sekalipun; dan pengguna-pengguna jalaraya yg lain akur memberi jalan/ruang. Tiada pekikan hon, marah-marah juga bahasa dan isyarat xxx. Kagum sungguh!!!
Deretan rumah  - Bandung

2 hari yang menyeronokkan yg telah membuka mata serta hati saya. Betullah pepatah orang-orang lama kita;

"Rajin Berjalan Luas Pandangan"

Kalau ada sumur diladang, boleh saya menumpang mandi
Kalau ada umur yang panjang, ingin saya ke mari lagi

Tips untuk lawatan seterusnya (he2 ...);

1. manafaatkan masa melalui jadual penerbangan pergi & balik
2. rancang masa membeli belah/lawatan
3. amalkan `rajin bertanya' ...
4. pastikan hotel dekat dgn tempat yg ingin di tujui  
5. bawa pakaian yg boleh `mix n match' - minimakan bagasi
6. bawa sedikit bekalan makanan & minuman segera
7. bawa ubat2an yg perlu

09 February 2011


Reunion, a familiar words. It can be either a school, family, long lost friends or simply a get together gathering. Well, on February 2008, I went to my 1st ever reunion, that is the DBS 79/81 reunion! Boy, am I nervous about meeting my friends again. "Ya lah", after almost 30 years of not seeing each other, and now ... we are finally getting together again! Fuhh!! .. my oh my, am I nervous about it? You bet. I long to be able to meet them again, yet at the same time I'm having this doubtful thinking like how would my friends' reaction be when seeing me again after all these years. When we last parted, all were young, savvy and carefree. Me, I was a working executive, but now ... a boring full time housewife!! 
pic from: 101 M'sian Anecdotes by Salmiah Alias
However, my ever supporting hubby doused my uneasiness by pointing out that everyone changed; it's been 30 years and now is the time to find out how much and what has changed? That got me and off I went that memorable day in February 2008. Wow! ... it really was a joyous meeting, full of suspense and anticipation as one by one appears at the venue. First, the initial shock of seeing `the current you & me' in present looks, shapes & sizes really took us by surprise. Then the hugs and laughters follows, and suddenly we were like back in the yesteryears again ... the good, carefree, fun & joyful life in Dungun!!! 
I guess we `rock the house' that day and it must be a funny sights to other patrons at the venue seeing a group of into 50's folks enjoying themselves so much. We parted feeling good and promised to meet again, which we did. Our second reunion was held on November 2008 at the same venue. This time round, those who couldn't make it during the 1st reunion managed to come. And we also invited two of our former lectures to join us this time, Encik Baha & Encik Khalid, our forever sporting mentors. It was again a` feel-good' get together, but reality of ageing & life hit us. Sadly, a week before the 2nd reunion, one of our friends passed away suddenly. And as I write this, another friend had also passed away suddenly last December 2010 (M.Noor & Mat, Al-Fatihah to them both).
Well ... till today, we still keep in touch but that I guess was the last grand reunion we had. Family, commitments, age and health are top priority for now. We met in smaller groups from time to time, we monitor and chat through FB, we contact & SMS each other when an occasion arises ... we are still together in thoughts!! To my friends DBS 79/81, Uitm Dungun - thank you for the wonderful memories and everlasting friendship. 

08 February 2011

Its already Feb.2011, and since starting this blog of mine, I only managed to post only 3 items??!! Wow ... I must be terribly busy or just plain lazy, he!he! Excuses are aplenty though ... ranging from busy with moving from states to states, deaths & marriages within the family, travelling & top of all ... I just stop writing even my diary (which I've been religiously keeping since I'm 12). When you hit 50, it does change a few things in your life, really ... physically & mentally!!
But .... I'm in the mood now. So, 2011 WILL DEFINITELY SEE MORE OF ME (.....I hope .....). Signing off for now ..... have a nice day everyone!!!